Couples Intensive Therapy Retreat




Couples often seek help when they find they are fighting all the time or they feel no connection and are living like roommates. Yet, they’ve waited so long, they are discouraged and have almost given up hope. But the idea of months and months of weekly therapy doesn’t sound inviting. What if there was a way to do months of couples therapy in 2-3 days?


Investing in couples intensive therapy means getting more personal change possible in a shorter period of time. When life and distractions can’t get in the way, you and your partner can get a personalized intensive package that keeps you from getting stuck, helps you create motivation through the risks you take to delve into your relationship problems, and you leave with a game plan for continuing couples work that has a solid foundation. Couples get more focused, more loving and forgiving and honor the emotional and financial commitment they have made for their future.

  • Putting aside a chunk of time for travel and the intensive sessions
  • The financial commitment
  • Fears that nothing will work
  • Resistance from within and from your partner
  • What to do afterward
Professional Roadmap
  • Pre-intensive assessments so your therapist can apply their skills to get you deeper faster
  • Getting clear on your goals for your relationship and the intensive before beginning
  •  Personalized interventions with the flexibility to meet issues that might have been hidden
  • A post-intensive roadmap to extend your work and to use with any therapist to continue healing
  • Follow-up sessions to prevent falling into old patterns again